Sayembara Penulisan Cerpen KMSI
1. Mahasiswa aktif jurusan Sastra Indonesia UGM.
2. Lomba dibuka 17 Oktober 2011 dan ditutup tanggal 04 November 2011 pukul 23.59 WIB.
3. Tema cerpen: "Narasi Ke-Indonesia-an"
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Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011
Posts by : Admin
Posts by : Admin
Olimpiade Matematika 2011 UNAIR
"Let's Gain Your Dream With Mathematics" :)
Persyaratan pendaftaran
NB Bukti Pembayaran Transfer kuitansi
BNI : 0213448134
Mandiri : 141-00-1131965-4
Waktu dan tempat pendaftaran
Babak Penyisihan
Persyaratan pendaftaran
1. Satu regu terdiri dari 2 orang dari sekolah yang sama
2. Menyerahkan formulir pendaftaran
3. Menyerahkan Surat rekomendasi Kepsek FC Kartu Pelajar
4. Melunasi biaya pendaftaran
NB Bukti Pembayaran Transfer kuitansi
Pembayaran dapat melalui
No. Rekening : Novita MaulinasariBNI : 0213448134
Mandiri : 141-00-1131965-4
Waktu dan tempat pendaftaran
Waktu pendaftaran :
13 Oktober s.d. 18 November 2011
Pendaftaran pada hari H harap Konfirmasi terlebih dahulu :
1. Rp. 60.000,00 tim untuk tingkat SMP
2. Rp. 70.000,00 tim untuk tingkat SMA
Tempat pendaftaran :
pendaftaran di tempat penyisihan
khusus Surabaya di FSAINTEK UNAIR
khusus Surabaya di FSAINTEK UNAIR
Babak Penyisihan
Waktu babak penyisihan :
Minggu, 20 November 2011
Tempat babak penyisihan :
SMPN 15 Surabaya
SMKN 1 Sidoarjo
SMAN 2 Malang
SMPN 1 Lumajang
SMAN 1 Lamongan
SMAN 3 Jombang
SMAN 1 Gending
SMPN 2 Pamekasan
SMAN 1 Jember
SMAN 1 Gresik
SMAN 7 Kediri
SMAN 1 Madiun
SMAN 1 Rogojampi
SMAN 4 Bojonegoro
SMAN 1 Boyolangu
Babak semifinal dan final
Waktu Babak semifinal dan final :
4 Desember 2011
Tempat Babak semifinal dan final:
Fasilitas :
sertifikat, id card, block note, stiker, map, lunch
Hadiah :
Hadiah memperebutkan total hadiah 17 JUTA
SMP : Trophy bergilir dari GUBERNUR JATIM
SMA : Trophy bergilir dari MENDIKNAS
Babak semifinal dan final
Waktu Babak semifinal dan final :
4 Desember 2011
Tempat Babak semifinal dan final:
Fasilitas & Hadiah
Fasilitas :
sertifikat, id card, block note, stiker, map, lunch
Hadiah :
Hadiah memperebutkan total hadiah 17 JUTA
SMP : Trophy bergilir dari GUBERNUR JATIM
SMA : Trophy bergilir dari MENDIKNAS
Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011
Posts by : Admin
14 Tahun Berkarir, Westlife Bubar
Memang sempat ada rumor namun sampai pernyataan resmi ini muncul,
rumor itu tetap berstatus rumor. Kini, kabar itu bukan lagi rumor karena
Westlife sendiri telah melepas pernyataan resmi bahwa mereka akan
membubarkan diri dalam waktu dekat. Tentu saja masih akan ada acara
perpisahan sebelum kuartet asal Irlandia ini membubarkan diri.
"Setelah 14 tahun, 26 hits top ten termasuk 14 single nomor 1, 11 album top 5, 7 album yang berhasil masuk nomor 1 dan menjual tak kurang dari 44 juta album secara keseluruhan, 10 tour yang tiketnya selalu sold-out dan banyak kenangan yang akan tetap membekas di benak kami, hari ini kami mengumumkan rencana kami untuk bubar setelah melepas greatest hits Natal nanti dan tur perpisahan tahun depan," tulis Westlife dalam pernyataan resmi mereka.
Dalam pernyataan yang sama, boy band yang beranggotakan Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan, Mark Feehily, dan Shane Filan ini juga menyampaikan kalau keputusan ini mereka buat secara baik-baik. Satu-satunya alasan yang mereka sebutkan adalah bahwa mereka ingin beristirahat dan mencoba 'usaha' baru. Tak dijelaskan apakah ini artinya masing-masing anggota Westlife akan mengawali solo karier atau mereka hanya akan berada di balik layar.
"Setelah 14 tahun, 26 hits top ten termasuk 14 single nomor 1, 11 album top 5, 7 album yang berhasil masuk nomor 1 dan menjual tak kurang dari 44 juta album secara keseluruhan, 10 tour yang tiketnya selalu sold-out dan banyak kenangan yang akan tetap membekas di benak kami, hari ini kami mengumumkan rencana kami untuk bubar setelah melepas greatest hits Natal nanti dan tur perpisahan tahun depan," tulis Westlife dalam pernyataan resmi mereka.
Dalam pernyataan yang sama, boy band yang beranggotakan Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan, Mark Feehily, dan Shane Filan ini juga menyampaikan kalau keputusan ini mereka buat secara baik-baik. Satu-satunya alasan yang mereka sebutkan adalah bahwa mereka ingin beristirahat dan mencoba 'usaha' baru. Tak dijelaskan apakah ini artinya masing-masing anggota Westlife akan mengawali solo karier atau mereka hanya akan berada di balik layar.
Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011
Posts by : Admin
Jejaring Sosial Berdampak Negatif Bagi Remaja?
Sebuah penelitian di AS menunjukkan bahwa remaja yang aktif menggunakan jejaring sosial seperti facebook dan menonton acara TV "Sufesttif" bisa menyebabkan para remaja tersebut aktif menggunakan ganja, alkoholik dan perokok.
Sebagaimanaa dilansir dari Everydayhealth, survei ini melibatkan lebih dari 1.000 pemuda dari seluruh bangsa berusia 12 sampai 17 dan sekitar setengah dari orang tua mereka. Pada hari-hari biasa, sekitar 70 persen remaja mengatakan mereka menggunakan situs jaringan sosial.
Pengguna jaringan sosial lima kali lebih mungkin untuk menggunakan tembakau (10 persen versus 2 persen yang jarang menggunakan jejaring sosoal), tiga kali lebih mungkin untuk menggunakan alkohol (26 persen versus 9 persen) dan dua kali lebih mungkin mengakui menggunakan ganja (13 persen versus 7 persen ).
"Hasil ini sangat mengganggu, bagaimana tahun pun berjalan, aksesn internet yang gratsi dan program televisi sugestif beresiko menyebabkan remaja melakukan penyalahgunaan zat dengan tinggi," kara para peneliti.
Michael Gilbert, seorang rekan senior di University of Southern California Pusat untuk Masa Depan Digital mengatakan survei tersebut tidak membuktikan bahwa menonton acara Jersey Shore atau menghabiskan waktu di Facebook mengarah ke penyalahgunaan zat. Namun, itu tidak berarti bahwa apa yang dilihat anak-anak di TV atau di Internet tidak mempengaruhi perilaku mereka.
"Sekitar setengah dari remaja yang secara teratur menggunakan situs jaringan sosial mengatakan mereka pernah melihat gambar anak-anak mabuk, pingsan atau menggunakan obat di situs tersebut. Melihat gambar tersebut bisa memperkuat gagasan bahwa "semua orang melakukannya," kata Gilbert.
Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011
Posts by : Admin
Super Junior Rebut Juara SBS Inkigayo Mutizen
Minggu, (21/8), akan menjadi hari yang berbahagia bagi ELF, fans Super Junior. Karena pada hari ini mereka merayakan 2 peristiwa penting, ulang tahun salah satu anggota Super Junior, Ki Bum. Dan kemenangan Super Junior di SBS Inkigayo Mutizen. Selamat Super Junior!
Setelah sebelumnya sudah memenangi MNet Countdown, KBS Music Bank, Music Core, mencatat penjualan dan download digital dalam jumlah besar. Super Junior meraih kemenangannya dalam SBS Inkigayo.
Untuk acara minggu ini, nominasi Take 7 sendiri adalah MBLAQ - Mona Lisa, T-Ara - Roly Poly, Infinite - Be Mine, Miss A - Good Bye Baby, 2NE1 - Ugly, Sistar - So Cool dan tentunya Super Junior - Mr Simple.
Sementara performer lainnya adalah NS Yoon Ji, Brave Girls, Maya, Teen Top, Dal Shabet, Chi Chi, Rumble Fish, CS Numbers, HyunA, dan X Cross.
Dalam acara tersebut, lima member Super Junior, yakni Eunhyuk, Shindong, Donghae, Kyuhyun, dan Sungmin, sempat melakukan duet dance bersama f(x) Victoria
Seperti biasanya, tak butuh waktu lama bagi ELF untuk memperlihatkan kegembiraan mereka, Congrats Super Junior, SJ WON, dan #MrSimple5thWin langsung menguasai Trending Topic dunia Twitter.
Dan sepertinya kegembiraan ELF tidak akan berhenti di situ saja, mengingat ini adalah hari ulang tahun ke-24 bagi Ki Bum Super Junior, ini bisa menjadikan kado ulang tahun bagi sang member yang memutuskan rehat sementara dari kegiatan Super Junior tersebut. :)
Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011
Posts by : Admin
“Mr.Simple” Super Junior Sudah Ditonton Sebanyak Lebih Dari 5 Juta Kali Hanya Dalam Waktu Seminggu
MV “Mr.Simple Super Junior telah dilihat lebih dari 5 juta Kali di YouTube!
Dtonton Lebih dari 5.000.000 Dalam Seminggu, Cukup untuk Mencapai Popularitas Global mereka!
MV dari track title album ke 5 Super Junior, “Mr Simple,” menerima lebih dari 5.000.000 viewers di YouTube. MVVideo musik dari ‘Mr Simple, “ yang dirilis via YouTube pada tanggal 4, telah melampaui 5 juta viewers di minggu perilisan dan menerima sekitar 5.170.000 kunjungan pada pukul 10 pagi hari ini.
Selain itu,MV ini menempati urutan pertama untuk minggu ini (3 Agustus ~ 10 Agustus) yaitu sebagai ‘The Most Viewed Video,’ and this month’s (July 11 ~ August 10) ‘The Most Commented Video,’ ‘The Most Favorited Video.’
Selain itu, MV dari ‘Mr Simple’ telah menjadi peringkat teratas dalam minggu ini untuk ‘The Most Viewed Video,’ di berbagai negara di dunia seperti Kanada, Afrika Selatan, dll dan sekali lagi membuktikan kekuatan dari Super Junior yang memimpin gelombang Korea.
Selain itu, Super Junior juga menerima popularitas yang luar biasa dengan berada di posisi 1 peringkat pada grafik harian dan grafik mingguan (8 / 1 ~ 8 / 7) dari grafik untuk menghitung berbagai penjualan album (Hanteo , Trek Hot, Yes24, dll) dengan album kelima mereka.
Posts by : Admin
Super Junior Raih Kemenangan Dalam MNet M!Countdown - Tidak butuh waktu lama bagi Super Junior untuk kembali membuktikan kekuasaan mereka. Setelah mencetak berbagai rekor di banyak situs download lagu baik di Korea maupun di luar Korea, Super Junior melalui single terbaru mereka, Mr Simple. Akhirnya merebut kemenangan di ajang musik bergengsi, MNet M!Countdown, Kamis (11/8).
Dalam acara tersebut, Super Junior harus bersaing dengan girl band berbakat 2NEI dan Miss A. Namun SuJu berhasil mengalahkan kedua girlband itu yang notabene sudah merilis album sebelum mereka.
Bisa ditebak, tidak butuh waktu lama bagi ELF untuk bersenang-senang. Hanya dalam tempo singkat, ELF sedunia berhasil membuat #MrSimple1stWin dan SUPER JUNIOR WON menjadi topik paling populer nomer 1 dan 2 di dunia twitter. Ini membuktikan betapa ELF sangat merindukan kehadiran boyband pemimpin Korean Wave tersebut setelah 1 tahun 4 bulan lamanya.
Tampak di studio MNet, ELF di Korea juga luar biasa antusias dan memenuhi ruangan. Dalam penampilan mereka kali ini, SuJu tampil dengan pakaian yang colorfull dan perubahan gaya rambut beberapa member seperti rambut Yesung yang menjadi lebih pendek.
Sang leader, Leeteuk bahkan sempat menyebut nama salah satu member SuJu asal China, Hangeng. Lantas apakah SuJu bisa memenangkan GDA tahun ini? berharap saja mereka bisa berkumpul kembali dalam formasi lengkap.
Posts by : Admin
Member Member Super Junior Ungkap Perasaan Mereka Mengenai Comeback!
Setelah sekian lama absen (setahun 2 bulan), member member Super Junior membuat comeback pada 5 Agustus melalui KBS’ Music Bank dan perform 2 lagu Mr. Simple yang adalah lagu utama dari album kelima mereka dan SUPERMAN. Setelah mereka perform comeback stage, para member mengekspresikan secara jujur kalau mereka sebenarnya perduli mengenai peringkat peringkat album dan chart chart musik.
Saat diruang tunggu Kim Heechul menyatakan: “Setelah absen panjang dari acara acara musik, kami merasa seperti kami tumbuh sangat banyak! dan faktanya kami yang tertua diantara performer performer grup di acara hari ini. Artis2 lain begitu muda dan mereka secara terus menerus datang ke ruang tunggu kami untuk memberikan kami sapaan mereka dan ini membuat kami merasa seperti waktu berlalu snagat cepat, kenangan kenangan masa lalu masih dalam pikiran saya.”
Dia juga membuat sebuah komentar menyenangkan tentang tidak perform bersama dengan girl group group, dia mengatakan, “Ada banyak girl group yang bagus belakangan ini. Saya benar benar menantikan untuk menghadiri acara musik, tapi saat waktu comeback kami akhirnya tiba, tidak banyak girl group yang promosi. Ini memalukan karena sekarang lebih banyak grup laki laki.”
Leeteuk berkomentar: ”Kami merasa benar benar senang bisa bertemu dengan fans kami lagi setelah sekian lama. Kami merasa kalau mereka perduli dan mendukung kami lebih dari sebelumnya dan ini terasa bagus, kami merasa senang saat kami berdiri lagi diatas panggung. “
Hingga saat ini album Mr. Simple mereka secara resmi telah terjual lebih dari 100,000 copies dan masih di peringkat 1 di chart Hanteo> Member Member Super Junior pastinya merasa senang dengan peringkat album mereka.!
Saat diruang tunggu Kim Heechul menyatakan: “Setelah absen panjang dari acara acara musik, kami merasa seperti kami tumbuh sangat banyak! dan faktanya kami yang tertua diantara performer performer grup di acara hari ini. Artis2 lain begitu muda dan mereka secara terus menerus datang ke ruang tunggu kami untuk memberikan kami sapaan mereka dan ini membuat kami merasa seperti waktu berlalu snagat cepat, kenangan kenangan masa lalu masih dalam pikiran saya.”
Dia juga membuat sebuah komentar menyenangkan tentang tidak perform bersama dengan girl group group, dia mengatakan, “Ada banyak girl group yang bagus belakangan ini. Saya benar benar menantikan untuk menghadiri acara musik, tapi saat waktu comeback kami akhirnya tiba, tidak banyak girl group yang promosi. Ini memalukan karena sekarang lebih banyak grup laki laki.”
Leeteuk berkomentar: ”Kami merasa benar benar senang bisa bertemu dengan fans kami lagi setelah sekian lama. Kami merasa kalau mereka perduli dan mendukung kami lebih dari sebelumnya dan ini terasa bagus, kami merasa senang saat kami berdiri lagi diatas panggung. “
Hingga saat ini album Mr. Simple mereka secara resmi telah terjual lebih dari 100,000 copies dan masih di peringkat 1 di chart Hanteo> Member Member Super Junior pastinya merasa senang dengan peringkat album mereka.!
Posts by : Admin
UFO Muncul di Langit Gunungkidul
Sebuah benda asing berbentuk kotak memancarkan sinar terang tampak melayang di langit Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Benda asing (unidentified flying object - UFO) tersebut dilihat oleh sejumlah warga Sambipitu, Kecamatan Patuk Gunungkidul, Rabu (20/07/2011) malam.
Seorang saksi mata, Supriyanto (30) mengisahkan, saat berada di dalam rumah menonton televisi, ia mendengar suara riuh dari luar samping rumahnya. Karena penasaran, ia mendatangi asal suara tersebut dan mendapati sejumlah warga melihat ke arah langit.
"Saya kaget karena ada benda besar berbentuk kotak yang nampak mengeluarkan cahaya namun tidak bersuara," katanya.
Sementara, saksi lain, Sujarwo (41), menuturkan, ia melihat benda asing itu melayang di atas langit perkampungan saat perjalanan pulang dari salat Isya. Benda itu terlihat kurang dari tiga menit.
"Saya takut mau mengambil gambar benda tersebut dari HP saya dan bergegas masuk rumah. Hanya ada beberapa orang saja yang masih ada di luar menyaksikan benda asing tersebut menghilang tanpa suara," imbuhnya.
Kemunculan benda asing tersebut sampai saat ini masih menjadi perguncingan hangat warga setempat.
Sebuah benda asing berbentuk kotak memancarkan sinar terang tampak melayang di langit Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Benda asing (unidentified flying object - UFO) tersebut dilihat oleh sejumlah warga Sambipitu, Kecamatan Patuk Gunungkidul, Rabu (20/07/2011) malam.
Seorang saksi mata, Supriyanto (30) mengisahkan, saat berada di dalam rumah menonton televisi, ia mendengar suara riuh dari luar samping rumahnya. Karena penasaran, ia mendatangi asal suara tersebut dan mendapati sejumlah warga melihat ke arah langit.
"Saya kaget karena ada benda besar berbentuk kotak yang nampak mengeluarkan cahaya namun tidak bersuara," katanya.
Sementara, saksi lain, Sujarwo (41), menuturkan, ia melihat benda asing itu melayang di atas langit perkampungan saat perjalanan pulang dari salat Isya. Benda itu terlihat kurang dari tiga menit.
"Saya takut mau mengambil gambar benda tersebut dari HP saya dan bergegas masuk rumah. Hanya ada beberapa orang saja yang masih ada di luar menyaksikan benda asing tersebut menghilang tanpa suara," imbuhnya.
Kemunculan benda asing tersebut sampai saat ini masih menjadi perguncingan hangat warga setempat.
Posts by : Admin
Terekam Kamera, Wajah Menyeramkan di Langit
INILAH.COM, New Brunswick – Video akan tampak seperti hasil efek khusus buatan Hollywood. Namun fenomena ini benar terjadi di New Brunswick, Kanada.
Dalam video unggahan ‘denisfarmer’ di YouTube yang juga di unggah ke ini, tampak awan sedang bergerak cepat seperti yang biasa terjadi pada badai besar. Saat itu juga, sebuah profil wajah muncul.
Bahkan, wajah tersebut menyerupai Presiden Amerika Serikat (AS) ke-16 Abraham Lincoln. Awan yang ada berubah cepat dan terus bertambah hingga muncul wajah tersebut. Selain itu, butuh sedikit keberuntungan untuk bisa melihat awan tersebut seperti wajah.
Pasalnya, bagi penderita Pareidolia, teknis kecenderungan otak mencari pola sama dalam obyek acak, tak akan mengenali wajah tersebut. Namun, manusia pada umumnya terbiasa melihat wajah.
Bagaimana menurut Anda?
Dalam video unggahan ‘denisfarmer’ di YouTube yang juga di unggah ke ini, tampak awan sedang bergerak cepat seperti yang biasa terjadi pada badai besar. Saat itu juga, sebuah profil wajah muncul.
Bahkan, wajah tersebut menyerupai Presiden Amerika Serikat (AS) ke-16 Abraham Lincoln. Awan yang ada berubah cepat dan terus bertambah hingga muncul wajah tersebut. Selain itu, butuh sedikit keberuntungan untuk bisa melihat awan tersebut seperti wajah.
Pasalnya, bagi penderita Pareidolia, teknis kecenderungan otak mencari pola sama dalam obyek acak, tak akan mengenali wajah tersebut. Namun, manusia pada umumnya terbiasa melihat wajah.
Bagaimana menurut Anda?
Kamis, 16 Juni 2011
Posts by : Admin
Choi Si Won Super Junior
Choi Si-won (born February 10, 1987), sometimes mononymous person credited as Siwon, is a Korean People Pop, Singer, and Actor. He is a member of super Boy Band Super Junior and its subgroup, Super Junior M, where he is known by his Chinese name Shi Yuan (Chinese Language: 始源, meaning "Origin"). Aside from Super Junior related activities, Siwon is a successful male model and actor. Siwon is best known for his role in the 2006 Hongkong historical action film A Battle of Wits as young Prince Liang Shi, as well as the lead male in the Korean drama Oh My Lady! opposite actress Chae Rim and the data analyst and rookie elite agent from the 2010 spin-off to Iris (TV Series), Athena: Goddess of War. Siwon can speak Korean, conversational Mandarin and English, very little Cantonese (Shown in his Hong Kong interview), as well as a little Japanese. He is also one of the first four Korean artists to be on Chinese postage stamps.
Although Choi Siwon's registered birthday is February 10, 1987, he was actually born on April 7, 1986. Born inSeoul, South Korea, he was raised in an affluent, strict Protestant family. He was scouted by a talent agent when he was 16 as he was waiting for friends in front of his high school. He was recommended to audition for the Starlight Casting System to become an entertainer. Siwon's parents disapproved him pursuing in an entertainment career, so he had to secretly audition. He successfully passed auditions, and after consideration, his parents allowed him to sign under the talent agency SM Entertaiment. Siwon said that although his father allowed him to sign the contract, he would not give any help to his son as he wanted his son to take responsibility in his actions.
He later moved into dormitories with fellow trainees and he was trained in areas of singing, acting, and dancing. Siwon stated that SM Entertainment saw potential for him in acting, and thus gave him training in the field. He made his first appearance in a music video of The Grace Group's Dana (Korean Singer) when he was still a solo singer in 2003. A year after, he made a brief appearance in the short drama, Precious Family. In 2005, Siwon made a brief appearance in the KBS drama Eighteen, Twenty Nine as the young Kang Bong-man. On July 22, 2010, Siwon was appointed as a UNICEF envoy.
After Siwon's appearances in Eighteen, Twenty-Nine and Precious Family, he was casted in a larger role for the mini-series Spring Waltz, playing the supporting role Park Sang-woo, the teenage cousin of a diligent and working young woman. Not long after Siwon's musical debut, he was casted in a large supporting role in the Hong Kong epic film A Battle of Wits as Prince Liang Shi, starring opposite Andy Lau. The cast promoted the movie throughout China with a short tour of four cities in November 2006. While the film received mixed reviews, Siwon garnered positive notices for his performance. He also received praises from co-star Lau, stating that Siwon is a wonderful actor and that he sets a good example for young Hong Kong idol.
Half a year after the release of A Battle of Wits, Siwon starred in the high school mystery/comedy film Attack on the Pin-Up Boys with other Super Junior members. He played one of the lead roles as a controlling and severe class president who was one of the popular possible subjects of being attacked by mysterious forces. Despite positive critical ratings, that film did not do well in the box-office, but all four versions of the film's DVD were all sold out and broke chart records. A few months later, Siwon was cast in mini-drama Legend of Hyang Dan as the lead role, Lee Mong-ryong.
In January 2010, Siwon starred in the SBS drama Oh My Lady!. It is a romantic comedy about a top star who finds himself living with his manager, a 35 year old woman who is trying to earn money to have custody of her child. This was Siwon's first lead role in two years. He also starred as Agent Kim Jun-Ho, a data analyst and rookie elite agent in the drama Athena, a spin-off of drama Iris. Both roles portrayed by him earned highly positive praises from critics, senior actors, and fans alike. There is speculation in whether the series will be reintroduced in a second season, with Siwon playing a much larger role.
His acting career also extends into various music videos for fellow label mates, such as SNSD's Hoot, and Zhang Liyin and TVXQ's Xiah's duet Timeless (Zhang Liyin song), where Siwon starred along with fellow Super Junior member Hangeng, which received critical praise. Siwon also made appearances in several commercial films, as well as guest appearing or hosting TV shows.
Siwon is scheduled in April 2011 to film Taiwanese drama Extravagant Challenge (traditional Chinese: 華麗的挑戰) with Ivy Chen and fellow band member Donghae as the three main characters. It is a live-action adaptation of Japanese shōjo manga Skip Beat! by Yoshiki Nakamura to be shot in Taiwan
Siwon is best known for his "handsome appearance" and muscular physique. His looks have earned him spots on various idol "best" lists, such as being put at eleventh place in the show Idol Chart's "Most Flawless Body" list. His body if often referred to as the best by his fellow Super Junior members and many fans, and he is sometimes called "sculpture man" because his body appears "perfectly chiseled out." His fans also comically refer to his abdominal muscles frequently as "chocolate abs." He is also the tallest among Super Junior members along with Zhou Mi from Super Junior-M, standing approximately 183 centimeters tall.
Super Junior's leader Leeteuk jokingly mentioned in an episode of SBS's show Strong Heart (Korean TV show) that Siwon is purposely placed in the middle in most Super Junior photos because "putting him in the middle gives the illusion that all members of the group are really handsome." It was also mentioned that he usually sings the first verse to their songs so that the audience would see an "appealing visual." Apart from acting and Super Junior, Siwon has also appeared in various catalogs and commercials. He modeled along with Sulli of girl group F(x) (band) in the March 3rd 2010 André Kim fashion show, receiving much praise and media attention. He has also been featured in notable magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Elle, High Cut, and Men's Health, as well as modeling for large brand names such as Armani, Lacoste, Gucci, Evisu, and several other brands. Siwon also makes several prominent appearances in Korean brand Spao's catalogues along with SNSD and other Super Junior members. He also recently endorsed and modeled for the SK Telesys "Reaction" smart phone, also appearing in the phone's comical mock-action commercial, as well as Acer products.
Siwon continued his education after his debut with Super Junior in 2005. He graduated from Gu Jeong High School in February 2006 and later went on to attend Inha University. For continuity of his role in A Battle of Wits, his company arranged him to travel to Beijing, China along with labelmate Hyoyeon of Girls' Generation in 2004 to learn about the country's language and history. He studied there for three months before his return to Korea to prepare for his debut in Super Junior a year later. Siwon is extremely close to fellow Super Junior member Han Geng, with both of them claiming that they are "sworn brothers."
Siwon hails from a very wealthy family, being considered the richest member in Super Junior, with Sungmin being second. Siwon's father, Choi Ki Ho, is the CEO of Boryung Pharmaceutical Group, and has also worked for the Hanhwa Distribution Group and Korean Slim Fashion. Siwon was once asked on KBS's Win Win whether it was true that his family owned a helicopter, to which he solidly denied. His family's background has led him to be featured at the third spot in Idol Chart's Royalty in the Korean Idol World list, with fellow band mate Sungmin being featured at ninth place.
Siwon is known for being very religious, sometimes being referred to by fans as "God's #1 Fan," "Soldier of Light," and "Shisus." His fellow Super Junior members laughingly stated that he continuously tried to bring atheist member Heechul to church. Siwon later said in a CNN Talk Asia interview that after his career, he would like to become a missionary.
He is also a drummer, having performed with his senior label mates TRAX in September 2006 on SBS's music show Popular Songs due to the fact that their drummer, Rose, had left the band. He is skilled in Taekwondo and became the youngest in Korea holding the fourth rank in the black belt. He is also extremely proficient in sports. Siwon has been quoted that he has a very low metabolism, and thus gains weight relatively quickly, resulting in him having to exercise constantly.
Siwon is known and often teased by show hosts and fellow Super Junior members for his excessive use of hand gestures, his special way of greeting by holding only three fingers up, his ability to "send electrical currents through his eyebrows," and his way of making mundane actions look like a commercial film. Among fans, he is known to have comical facial expressions when shocked or overly happy.
On May 18, 2010, Siwon underwent surgery to remove his inflamed salivary gland. He had been taking anti-inflammatory medicine for the inflammation during filming for the SBS drama Oh My Lady. However, his condition worsened and he had to undergo an operation for it.
Siwon has an active and verified Twitter account by the username 'siwon407'.
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Hangeng Super Junior
Han Geng (Traditional Chinese Caracters: 韓庚; Simplyfied Chinese Caracters: 韩庚; Pinyin: Hán Gēng) was born on 9 February 1984. He is a Mainland Chinese Mandopop artist and Actor well-known for his powerful dance skills. He is skillful in all China's 56 ethnic traditional dances, as well as ballet and hip-hop dance. He has been dubbed "Dancing King" and "King of Popularity" in China. He started his career, in 2001, when he was chosen by SM Entertaiment (SME) to become a member of South Korean Boy Band Super Junior, which debuted in 2005, and as the leader of its sub-group Super Junior M in 2008.
On 21 December 2009, Han filed a lawsuit against SME to terminate his contract as he felt that the 13-year contract was unlawful and overly restrictive; and has since returned to China to pursue a solo career. On 21 December 2010 the Seoul Central District Court ruled in favor of Han, however a representative of SM Entertainment said that they will file an immediate appeal to reverse the decision SM Entertainment have yet to release statements regarding his official status with them.
For his various contributions to the spread of Chinese Culture, Han was chosen as a torch bearer for the Beijing Olympics, becoming the first boy band member in history to hold this role.
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Ryeowook Super Junior
Kim Ryeo-wook (born June 21, 1987), best known mononymous person as Ryeowook, is a Korean people Singer-Song Writer and occasionalActor. He is one of the four lead vocalists of the super boy bandSuper Junior, and is also a member of Super Junior KRY and Super Junior M, two subgroups that are branched out from the main group. Along with four other members of Super Junior, he is one of the first Korean artists to appear on Peoples Republic of China postage stamps.
Kim Ryeowook was discovered through the CMB Youth ChinChin Festival in 2004 and signed a contract with SM Entertaiment soon afterwards after impressing judges with his singing talent. Trained in areas of singing, dancing, andacting, Ryeowook placed particular efforts into his vocal training and Music Composition as he was most concerned in those areas. He plays piano, and will play the accompaniment for other members solos every so often during concerts.
Ryeowook was the last to join Super Junior before Kyuhyun, only joining the group several weeks before their official debut in 2005. Having undergone only two months of training under SM Entertainment, Ryeowook's late addition was rumored to be a replacement of a previous SM trainee that was supposed to debut as a member of Super Junior 05, the first generation of Super Junior.
On November 6, 2005, Ryeowook along with eleven other members of Super Junior 05, officially debuted on SBS's Popular Songs performing the first single "TWINS (Knock Out)." The group released their full Studio Music a month later, and the album debuted as 3 on the monthly MIAK K-pop album charts. As the group's second single, "Miracle", came to an end, his talent agency was about to recruit new members for the next Super Junior generation, Super Junior 06, with Ryeowook staying as an undergraduate member. However, plans changed and the company declared a halt in forming future Super Junior generations. The group dropped the suffix "05" and became officially credited as Super Junior. The new group hit big after they released their first CD singles "U" the following summer in 2006, which became Super Junior's most successful single in the music charts, leading Super Junior to set 1 records in their music career since then. A year later in the fall of 2007, the group released their second official album, Don’t Don, which became Super Junior's best-selling album and Korea's second best-selling album of the year.
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Kyuhyun Super Junior
Cho Kyu-Hyun (born February 3, 1988), best known Mononymus Person as Kyuhyun, is a Korean People Pop Singer. He is the youngest member (maknae) of the Boy BandSuper Junior. He is also one of the first four Korean artists to appear on Chinese postage stamps. In China, Taiwan, and other Chinese speaking communities he is referred to as "Tsáo Guī Xián" (Chinese Language: 曺圭賢) which is based on the Chinese transliteration of the Hanja spelling.
Kyuhyun has a sister named Cho Ara. Kyuhyun's father is in the education business and owns an academy. Largely due to his parents' involvement with the education business, he spent a lot of time studying and preparing for exams.
Kyuhyun was initially urged to study law and had stated that if he did not become a singer, he would have chosen to become a lawyer. His original plans were abandoned once Kyuhyun joined a band in high school, where he became more interested in music and singing. His father was against his dream of singing but soon made a deal with Kyuhyun; if Kyuhyun did well on his college entrance exams and was accepted into a university, he would be allowed to pursue music.
Kyuhyun was accepted into Kyunghee University and his father allowed him to continue with his musical career. He graduated from Kyunghee Univercity with a major in in Post Modern Music.
Kyuhyun made his first appearance as a part of Super Junior in a New Broadcast on May 23, 2006 when the group was introducing their new single,”U”. Kyuhyun made his debut performance on May 26, 2006 at SBS's I-Concert performing the new single "U", where it was also the group's first return performance as a permanent group. Towards the end of 2006, Kyuhyun, along with Yesung and Ryeowook, was placed in Super Junior's first subgroup, Super Junior KRY. The trio debuted on November 5, 2006 on KBS's Music Bank.
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Yesung Super Junior
Kim Jong-woon (born August 24, 1984), better known by his satge name Yesung, is a Korean people, pop singer, and occasional actor. He is one of the four lead vocalists of the Boy BandSuper Junior. He was once a radio host for his own radio program, M.I.R.A.C.L.E for You, which ended its broadcast in September 2007. His stage name Yesung is translated to "art-like voice" and is derived from the phrase "예술가의 성대", meaning "vocal chords of an artist."
On November 6, 2005, Yesung, officially debuted on SBS's music program Popular Songs as a member of Super Junior 05, the first generation of Super Junior. The group performed their first single "TWINS (Knock Out)" with an audience of about 500 fans. A full studio album was released a month later, which debuted at #3 on the monthly MIAK K-pop album charts.
In March 2006, SM Entertainment began to recruit new members for the next Super Junior generation. However, plans changed and the company declared a halt in forming future Super Junior generations. The group dropped the suffix "05" and became officially credited as Super Junior. The re-polished group hit big after they released their first CD single "U" the following summer, which became Super Junior's most successful single in the music charts until the release of "Sorry, Sorry" in March 2009.
During his career with Super Junior, Yesung was put into two subgroups, smaller groups that are branched off of the larger Super Junior group. In November 2006, Yesung was placed in Super Junior's first subgroup, Super Junior KRY, a group specializing in singing mournful, R&B ballads. Almost two years later, Yesung became a member of Super Junior-Happy. On May 10, 2008, Yesung was sent to the hospital after he collapsed from running 70 kilometers for a charity marathon. On August 8, Yesung was sent to the hospital again after falling from a 1.5m stage while rehearsing a performance for the KBS music program, Music Bank. The injury severed his old injuries from the neck and waist and Yesung was not treated out of the hospital until two days later.
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Leeteuk Super Junior
Park Jung-su(박정수)(born July 1, 1983), better known by his Stage Name Leeteuk(이특), is a Korean people, Pop Singer, Presenter, and occasional Actor. He is the leader of the super boy band “Super Junior”. To prevent confusion with famous Korean veteran actress Park Jeong, he decided to use the name 'Leeteuk'. His stage name literally means "special".
When Leeteuk and his older sister, Park In-young, traveled to Myeongdong for a holiday in early 2000, he was recommended by a talent scout to audition for SM Entertainment's Starlight Casting System, an audition that selects artists to sign under their label. After several test recordings and performances, he signed into SM Entertainment and became the company's trainee. That same year, he had his first quick television appearance as an Extra (“actor”) in the Munwha Broadcasting Corporation, Korean Drama All About Eve, and appeared as a brief model for Pepsi in 2002. In 2003, Leeteuk was put into a five-member boyband with future bandmate Lee Donghae, but the project was quickly dropped. They were then put into the large rotational group Super Junior along with ten other boys. Older than the other trainees, Leeteuk became the leader of the group.
On November 6, 2005, Leeteuk officially debuted on Seoul Brodcasting System's Popular Songs music program as a member of Super Junior 05, the first generation of Super Junior. The group performed their first single "TWINS (Knock Out)" to an audience of about 500 fans. Leeteuk explained that he uses a stage name due to his desire to have a name with the same effects as Kangta (and to also prevent confusion with veteran actress Park JeongSu). His stage name denotes being "special" as he wants to be a special member in the group. Leeteuk also became known as the "special leader" (특별한리더) of the group. Not only becoming a "special leader", but also having a sweet voice as a tenor of Super Junior. He is also noted for having a unique and goofy laugh.
Selasa, 14 Juni 2011
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Super Junior M
Super Junior M was formed to target the Mandopop market and debuted in 2008 with seven members: Han Geng (leader), Siwon, Donghae, Ryeowook and Kyuhyun from Super Junior, plus two Chinese people members drafted in only for this sub-group: Henry Lau (a Chinese Canadian), and Zhoi Mi (a entertain). In December 2009, Han Geng returned to China to pursue a solo career. In February 2011, Super Junior members Eunhyuk and Sungmin were added to the subgroup and resumed their activities with the release of EP. Currently, the eight active members are: Siwon, Ryeowook, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Zhou Mi and Henry.
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Super Junior KRY
Super Junior-KRY (pronounced 'cry'), established in November 2006, is a trio formed by Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, and Yesung which makes up the title of the group. The company discovered that these three members developed a particular personal and subsequent fan-base that was separate from the rest of the group, and how they also had similar musical qualities. They therefore grouped these three members together to perform particular songs to target a more mature audience. Being amongst the most vocally powerful members of the group, Super Junior-KRY are credited to singing mournful, R&B-style ballads, a style that has proven very popular in recent years.
Super Junior-KRY's first official performance was on November 5, 2006 on KBS's Music Bank, performing "The One I Love (한 사람만을). They have participated in the Hyena of the tvN drama Hyena with a total of three tracks, including the main theme. The trio also contributed tracks in two additional original soundtracks, one track in both the soundtracks of Snow Flower and Billy Jean Look At Mey. Unlike Super Junior's other sub-units, Super Junior-KRY has not officially released a single or album, and only participated in collaboration albums and Original Soundtrack. However, a new album is expected from KRY in the future.
On August 1, 2010, Super Junior’s sub-unit KRY. made history by opening their own concert for the first time in Japan, and upon the fans’ request for an encore, more performances were added in Kobe on the 1st and 2 November and later on, 1 and 2 December in Fukuoka. There were about a total of 22,000 people who watched the 6 sessions of the performances. The group successfully finished their concert tour in Japan and Taiwan last year. Due to ardent requests from Korean fans wanting to see Super Junior-KRY’s concert, the group decided to also hold the concert in Korea.
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Super Junior
Super Junior: (슈퍼주니어), often referred to as SJ or SuJu (슈주), is a popular Boyband from Korea formed by SM Entertainment in 2005. The group debuted with 12 members: Leeteuk, Kim Heechul, Han Geng, Ye Sung, Kangin, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Lee Donghae, Choi Siwon, Ryeowook, Kim Kibum, and later added at 13th member named Kyuhyun. They are one of the largest boy bands in the world. As of 2010, 10 members are active, due to Han Geng's lawsuit with SM Entertainment which led to him leaving the group (now pursuing his own singing career in the Mandarin-Pop entertainment industry), Kangin's temporary leave of absence for mandatory Military Service and Kibum's pursuit of an acting career. However, the other members have insisted that the two (Kangin and Kibum) are still part of the group, and mentioned that they are saddened by Han Geng's departure from the group.
Super Junior has released and contributed in 20 different kinds of records with varying degrees of success. Over the years, they have been divided into smaller sub groups, simultaneously targeting different music industries and audiences. Largely due to Super Junior's success as entertainers, other Korean entertainment managements began to train their music groups in other areas of entertainment, such as Acting and Hosting. In addition to their commercial success, Super Junior has earned seven music awards from them M. Net Asian Music Awards, eleven from the Golden Disk Awards, and is the second singing group to win Favorite Artist Korea at the 2008 MTV Asia Awards after JTL in 2003.
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